The church welcomes you in the tower. Take some time now. Take a deep breath and feel the silence that surrounds you.
The sandstones, plugged in the 16th century, hide the treasuries of a ‘Räderuhr’ (Räder = wheels; Uhr = clock) and four massive bells that measure the time and declare it with their sound.
Every bell has its own name, one of them is: OSANNA HEIS ICH MEISTER HANS GOS MICH. We lead you in the height. Recognize the strength and dignity that receives you now, realizing respect and admiration for the bell founder and his assistants.

If the weather is fine you’ll enjoy the view of the nature and the breadth and beauty of the landscape.
Have a look at today’s modern towers. From the top of the tower you can see the metropolis Frankfurt.
And so you dip in time lapses from Lutheran reformation to this day.